Mark Anthony Grimaldi

Chief Portfolio Manager at Grimaldi Portfolio Solutions
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Mark Anthony Grimaldi is a Certified Fund Specialist, author of RetireSMART! chief economist, and money manager for the NO-LOAD Sector Rotation Fund (NAVFX), a noted economic forecaster, and an author. He is known for his accurate economic forecasts and sector-rotation method of money management. He has the uncanny ability to connect the economic policies created in Washington, D.C. to Wall Street and deliver a clear and concise message to Main Street. For more information please see:

For over 30 years, Mark Grimaldi has applied his economic and political analyses to make economic forecasts and investment decisions. Impressed by the purity and power of compounded interest as a young child, he was called to help people navigate their financial futures. After studying economics, he launched his investment career with his own personal combination of economic and financial market principles. Ever since, Mark has relentlessly pursued deeper knowledge in macroeconomics and dedicated his time to educating and bettering the financial future of everyday people.

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  • Bubbles are very rarely formed heading into an election year. I believe 2020 will be a year of violent [market] swings that will have little to do with the economic climate and much more in sync with the political trends.
