Michael Biercuk

CEO and Founder at Q-CTRL
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Michael is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder at Q-CTRL. He is a global science and technology innovator building the greenfield quantum technology industry. He leads teams in both the technology industry and academia, with a focus on commercializing quantum technologies including quantum computing and quantum sensing. Michael's experience is focused on the development and application of quantum control to help partners extract maximum performance from quantum technologies. The solutions he has developed through his startup Q-CTRL serve teams building quantum hardware as well as end-users seeking to put quantum computing to work for them.

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  • This is the most powerful error-suppression technology ever demonstrated, and delivers an enormous competitive advantage to users. These simple-to-use techniques will likely enable organizations to achieve useful quantum computing years ahead of current projections. We had previously demonstrated the performance of error-resilient quantum logic gates, but putting all of the pieces together and observing an algorithm run 2500% better was absolutely amazing.

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