Misty Guinn

Director of Customer Advocacy at Benefitfocus
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I am a self-proclaimed data nerd that thrives in consumer-centric design when creating employee benefits, communication strategies and creative well-being engagement programs that foster the foundations of a healthier and more resilient workforce and community.

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  • It’s not just that employers are offering more options with the power of choice, it’s that we’re actually able to see the employee behavior—they’re adopting these options and wanting to participate as better health care consumers.

  • You can make changes at any time [to the amount being contributed] without a qualifying life event, and it is the employer's responsibility to make sure they are continuously communicating in a timely manner with their employees [about their options]. We've learned throughout the pandemic that employees turn to their employer to help them through the uncertainty.

  • HR and benefits administrators wear many hats. On any given day they are data scientists, negotiators, wellness coaches, cheerleaders, educators, communicators and more. During this challenging time, they are also a key source of information and guidance for their colleagues on life-changing topics. At Benefitfocus, we recognize their important contribution and are doing what we can to support them.

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