Múkami Kinoti Kimotho

Chief Executive Officer & Chief Girl Crusader at Royelles Inc
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Mukami is a storyteller, creative, entrepreneur, mother of two, and community activist, with a deep desire to positively impact lives, particularly those of women and girls. As Chief Girl Crusader at Royelles Inc, Múkami is on a mission to ignite 1million+ girls to be bold, fearless and undaunted architects of their own destinies.

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  • It's how they create, it's how they connect, how they learn, and it's certainly how they have fun. Mobile gaming is really at the heart of everything they do. It became my mission to leverage gaming, and more specifically educational gaming that is inclusive and safe, as a means of dismantling the erroneous mindsets our kids have and tackling the issues that parents, educators, and champions of all our girls in particular were struggling and grappling with. I really feel like the future of the metaverse is female.

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  • Royelles Inc
    Chief Executive Officer & Chief Girl Crusader