Pamela Maass

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Pamela Maass has acted as Executive Director of the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce in Chicago for over seven years.

As the leader of the Chamber, she and her team focus on supporting the needs of over 250 small businesses in the neighborhood, and a community that showcases over 14 miles of vibrant sidewalks filled with bookstores, art galleries, boutique clothing stores, vintage shops, record stores, public murals, restaurants, dive bars, parks, cafés and much more. They are a driver of creative programming in the neighborhood, from Wicker Park Fest (city’s longest Northside street festival by length), which acts as an incubator for independent artists, creatives, and small businesses, to the both the indoor and outdoor Farmers Markets, and independent community-driven events like Patio Palooza, Light Up WPB and more.
