Ray Mullaney

Founder and CEO at Equity Risk Sciences
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Equity Risk Sciences is thrilled to announce that, after a decade of design and development, our innovative solutions will soon be available to the FinTech equity investment market for the first time. We understand that financial investors have lost trillions of dollars due to subpar and outdated investment tools. That's why we've created a proprietary rating system of the probabilities and magnitudes of stock price changes to reduce significant losses and capture more gains, helping firms grow assets and client base.

Our founder, Ray Mullaney, dedicated his financial investment career to finding a safer and more profitable way to invest. He learned from the pinnacle of the investing world, Jim Simons' Medallion Fund, which achieved the highest performance in investment history. The massive performance of the Medallion Fund and Jim Simons' work in general proves that using data science can make investing safer and more profitable. Ray was disheartened by client losses and the lack of tools and solutions available utilizing data science. Accurate risk measurements are the bedrock of risk management. He believed it’s impossible to avoid and reduce losses without reliable big data computation systems to identify, measure, quantify and rate risks.

Equity Risk Sciences has produced a vast body of research demonstrating the additive value of our technology. We have conducted three recent studies that show the probability of investing with reduced risk and more rewards.

In our first study, we examined the 10 largest US banks over the last 16 months. These banks fell an average of 69% from November 2021 to March 2023. Our report shows that over a dozen brokerages and investment advisors had Buy ratings on these banks just before they fell. However, our proprietary risk ratings told a different story. Our PRI Rating on these 10 banks averaged a very high-risk 92, and our 4D Rating for all ten banks was 100, the worst possible score.

Our second study over the last five years tested 37 two-year portfolios filled with only those stocks with our very best PRI Ratings – specifically ratings of 5 or less. As the table in our study shows, investments in these portfolios significantly outperformed the S&P 500 on average.

Thirdly, ERS has a back testing tool that can buy and sell stocks in a hypothetical portfolio using only computer-based rules. The back test we are most proud of spans 22 years and shows a portfolio that began with $100,000 in 1999 could have grown to over $7 million by the end of 2021, which is an annualized return of 21.3%. For comparison, a similar investment in the S&P 500 would only have grown to about $500,000, or about 7½% annually, which is a considerable amount of outperformance.

The investment world has realized the importance of data science. In a February 2023 Forbes article, "How Technology is Transforming the Investment World," on data science, it was stressed that the technology can quickly identify potential investments and make decisions based on data-driven insights with great precision and accuracy, which reduces the risk of losses with more rewards. The potential of these advancements in the financial markets is immense.

To prepare for an IPO and commercialize our technology discoveries, ERS is currently raising capital.
If you're an interested FinTech investor, we should discuss our opportunity. For more information about Equity Risk Sciences, please call us at (203) 254-0000. To learn more about our plans to build a global FinTech major data science company, visit www.equityrisksciences.com.

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