Sean Moss-Pultz

Co-Founder and CEO at Bitmark Inc.
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  • Bitmark's mission is to help individuals and institutions define data as property in order to facilitate legal transactions at costs accessible to anyone around the world. Nobel Prize winner Ronald Coase postulated that clear and easily transferable property rights allow economic activity to take place by removing the friction of negotiating and enforcing contracts -- this trust for health data is a perfect example of Coase's theorem actualized in the real world.

  • If you could safely and easily donate your data directly to those who are advancing the frontiers of public health, wouldn't you want to do that?

  • Bitmark's mission is to help individuals and institutions define data as property in order to facilitate legal transactions at costs accessible to anyone around the world. Nobel Prize winner Ronald Coase postulated that clear and easily transferable property rights allow economic activity to take place by removing the friction of negotiating and enforcing contracts -- this trust for health data is a perfect example of Coase's theorem actualized in the real world.

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