Seth Eisenberg

Licensed PAIRS Trainer, President/CEO at PAIRS Foundation
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President & CEO at PAIRS Foundation | Advocate for Trauma-Informed Care | Technology & Emotional Intelligence Integrator

For over two decades, Seth Eisenberg has been a dedicated advocate and leader in supporting diverse communities facing trauma and crisis. His extensive work includes aiding survivors of terrorism, assisting families dealing with loss, supporting victims of sexual violence, and helping individuals experiencing homelessness and post-traumatic stress. This journey has not only been about providing support but also one of personal healing, learning, and growth.

Professional Focus:
Eisenberg specializes in leveraging technology to enhance human relationships, integrating emotional intelligence with artificial intelligence to create impactful solutions.

Early Leadership:
In his youth, Eisenberg served as the national president of Junior Achievement, where he expanded economic education and entrepreneurship training for students across the United States, leaving a significant impact on educational initiatives nationwide.

Global Experience:
While studying journalism and political science at Indiana University, he was recruited to lead U.S. programming for a global educational initiative founded by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. In this role, he collaborated with multiple heads of state and industry leaders. Following this, he spent a decade facilitating joint ventures for Fortune 100 companies across the Middle East, Africa, and Europe before returning to his philanthropic roots.

Current Role:
As President & CEO of PAIRS Foundation and licensed PAIRS Trainer, Eisenberg has spearheaded award-winning initiatives addressing societal challenges such as poverty, homelessness, addiction, incarceration, and suicide. His efforts are particularly focused on supporting veterans and active-duty military personnel. He has raised and managed nearly $50 million in federal grants to fund these critical programs. Eisenberg has authored evidence-based curricula that have positively impacted countless lives and pioneered innovative programs providing compassionate, trauma-informed care to veterans facing homelessness.

Training & Impact:
A respected Master Trainer, Eisenberg has trained over 1,000 behavioral health professionals in facilitating workshops on the Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS).

Publications & Media:
Eisenberg contributes regularly to publications like Times of Israel, Fatherhood Channel, and Medium. He has been featured extensively in major media outlets.

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  • New York Times

    Seth Eisenberg leads classes for new instructors at an independent marriageeducation organization based in Weston, Fla., called Pairs, which stands for Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills. He uncovered more basic questions. He recounted a recent class that his organization held in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “A young man, a newlywed, thought his role was to be responsible for all the decision-making for the couple,” Mr. Eisenberg said. “However, the couple had never discussed those issues, and his assumptions came as a surprise to her.”


    “Finding the right balance in showing interest while dating is like walking a tightrope — you need to be attentive without being overbearing, and interested without seeming indifferent,” says Seth Eisenberg, a licensed PAIRS relationships skills trainer and president/CEO at PAIRS Foundation.

    “If you’re too reserved, the other person might think you’re not genuinely interested,” Eisenberg explains. “On the other hand, if you’re too forward or intense, it can come across as desperate or overwhelming.”

    “So,” he concludes,” the key is to engage with thoughtful gestures and communication that match the other person’s level of interest. Pay attention to their cues and adjust accordingly.”


    Seth Eisenberg, President/CEO at PAIRS Foundation, shares his ideas throughout #33-39.

    33. Virtual Emotional Sharing Sessions
    "Set aside time to have an open and honest conversation using video chat. Use PAIRS Yodi Relationship Coach app to guide you through specific exercises or questions that help deepen your emotional connection. The app provides structured activities that can help couples explore feelings, share vulnerabilities and strengthen their bond even from afar."

    34. Shared Meditation or Mindfulness Practice
    "Engage in a joint mindfulness or meditation session. You can both use the same guided meditation, perhaps one that focuses on connection or love. Afterward, discuss how you felt during the experience, exploring any emotions or thoughts that arose."

    35. Creative Expression Together
    "Engage in a creative activity together over video call, like painting, drawing or writing poetry. You could each create something that represents your feelings or experiences in the relationship and then share it with each other. This can be a way to express emotions that might be difficult to put into words."

    36. Reflective Journaling and Sharing
    "Spend some time individually journaling about your relationship, focusing on what you appreciate about each other, what you miss, and your hopes for the future. Share your reflections with each other during a video call, creating a space for deep emotional exchange."

    37. Virtual Stargazing
    "If you're both in areas where you can see the night sky, set up a virtual stargazing date. Use the time to talk about your dreams, hopes, and any fears or worries you may have. This can be a calming, bonding experience that fosters a sense of connection despite the distance."

    38. Create a Vision Board
    "Using an online platform like Canva, create a vision board together that represents your hopes and dreams for your relationship. Include images and words that reflect your shared goals, emotional desires, and the future you want to build together."

    39. Virtual Bonding Exercises
    "Engage in virtual bonding exercises like synchronized breathing or guided eye-gazing. These practices can create a deep sense of connection even when you're physically apart, aligning with Casriel's emphasis on the importance of physical and emotional closeness."

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