Stephen Young

CEO and Founder at NFTfi
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Stephen is a token engineer, smart contract developer and designer in the blockchain industry. He's passionate about the potential that public, open, decentralised blockchains have to improve our society. His current focus is on token engineering, Solidity and DApp development but he is also passionate about design.

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  • NFTs are a foundational building block of the emerging virtual economy.

  • That’s why lenders want to have some room between the price of the asset and how much they lend. This is because in the case where somebody defaults, they need to be able to sell it for less than market value, and the price might have dropped in between. So that’s why they need such a big buffer between the loan value and the value of the actual asset.

  • NFTs are becoming their own financial asset class. As new types of NFTs are created, there will be a demand for new types of NFT-focused financial products. Our platform is a tool that empowers users to borrow cryptocurrency using their NFTs as collateral.

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