Tara Well

Associate Professor of Psychology at Barnard College
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Research Focus: Meditation, body image, appearance issues, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-criticism, self-compassion, narcissism, emotion regulation, resilience, personal growth, mind-body connection, mirror neurons, mirrors or mirroring, empathy, trust, communication, motivation, goal setting, attention, the impact of digital tech on our psychological well being, stress management, the inner critic, face-to-face communication, eye contact, facial expressions, nonverbal communication, self-image, selfies, loneliness, social anxiety, social isolation, introverts vs. extroverts, personality, personality tests, the validity of personality tests, the benefit of personality tests, how to use personality tests to decide on a career, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, negotiation skills, giving TED style presentations.

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  • Beyond the practical reasons for creating a productive work environment, mastering a technique, or completing a relaxing activity, there is still a deeper driver to get all done up with nowhere to go.

    This juncture is a really great opportunity for people to confront themselves in new ways than they had before, when their attention was always outwardly focused. Instead of thinking, ‘How do I look to other people?’ You can bring attention back to yourself. Try to look in your own eyes in the mirror and recognize, ‘I’m here, I’m relaxed, I’m calm, I’m okay'.

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