Ted is a Founding Partner and Advisor at DecentraNet. A former Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer turned serial entrepreneur, Ted is an active investor in the blockchain ecosystem, especially in social impact projects. He is also the Co-Founder of the virtual incubator Featured Labs, which advises and invests in companies working in SaaS, genomic-based medicine, cannabis, and blockchain technology. A sought-after speaker, Ted has presented at dozens of blockchain industry events, including Blockchain Cruise Asia, CryptoHQ, and Blockchain for Impact. As an expert in securities law, Ted has consulted with several notable publications, including Tim Pool Cast, BadCrypto, Investing.com and Coin Telegraph. He graduated magna cum laude with his Juris Doctor in Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law from American University, Washington College of Law. Ted lives vicariously through himself.
Ted Moskovitz, a former SEC lawyer and the founder of DecentraNet, says Bitcoin will surely get much larger before the bubble, if indeed there is one, pops.
“While many view Bitcoin’s new all-time high as an indication of a bubble, this is simply not the case, and we are sure to see Bitcoin’s price rise to between $7,600-$10,000 by year’s end,” explains Moskovitz, “It is estimated that only 10 million individuals had Bitcoin accounts at the start of this year—that’s .001% of the world’s population. This shows us that Bitcoin is still in a nascent phase, and as more and more people learn about it and more and more name-brand celebrities (e.g., Ashton Kutcher, John Cena, Floyd Mayweather) tweet about it, we are going to see adoption rise.”
SOURCE: https://uk.investing.com/analysis/will-bitcoins-bull-market-resume-can-it-continue-200196988
“I think the SEC Guidance regarding the DAO offering and the FBI’s takedown of BTC-e serves as notice to all issuers that their offerings are under scrutiny and they will be held accountable for breaking the law. While these actions have chilled the ICO market, they need not because platforms like Securrency ensure companies’ offerings are conducted lawfully, no matter where in the world their investors are located.”
- by Ted Moskovitz, Securrency advisor and former SEC lawyer
SOURCE: https://cointelegraph.com/news/despite-the-fud-sec-compliant-icos-are-just-around-the-corner
Matt and I are thrilled to let you know that we are participating in the Techstars accelerator. We are excited to be meeting the next crop of innovators changing the world. We are equally thrilled to meet fellow mentors and make meaningful connections to serve our fellow clients. — Ted Moskovitz, Co-Founder and Partner at DecentraNet.
SOURCE: https://medium.com/@tiffanymadison/announcement-decentranet-founders-to-mentor-blockchain-startups-through-techstars-partnership-5588e7028855
Upon exiting Facebook, Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger said they will be “building new things.” That could be trouble for Mark Zuckerberg.
In this particular moment in time blockchain is undoubtedly the most exciting topic that investors, entrepreneurs and thinkers alike are…
Crypto Cruise Attracts Diversity From John McAfee to Young Politicians, to Healthcare Innovators In Blockchain Tech. A fascinating assortment of brilliance.