Tony Abate

Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at AtmosAir Soutions
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Tony Abate, an indoor air quality expert, is Vice President & Chief Technology Officer at AtmosAir Solutions ( ) in Fairfield, CT. Tony is a certified indoor environmentalist as designated by the Indoor Air Quality Association and the American Air Quality Council, a member of AHSRAE (The American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. Abate is a trusted media source (Google him) and is an expert on all things indoor air quality.

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  • "The US Environmental Protection Agency has named indoor air quality as one of the top five health threats in the county. That’s because we are spending 90% of our time indoors. As buildings become more energy efficient, they’re less likely to circulate fresh, clean air — and more likely to accumulate unsafe levels of particles, bacteria, mold spores and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

    "There are several ways you can improve indoor air quality in an office building or home. Here are some of your best options:

    "Portable air cleaners. To help remove pollutants from the air, choose a portable air cleaner with a clean air delivery rate (CADR) that matches the size of the room. The higher the CADR, the larger the room it can work in to remove particles.

    "MERV filters. Minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) filters help improve how the air is filtered from those devices. You’ll want to install a filter with a MERV 13 rating or higher, if your system is set up for it.

    "HEPA filters. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can remove dust, pollen, mold, bacteria and other airborne particles from the air. They do need to be cleaned and replaced from time to time.

    "Bi-polar ionization devices - BPI tubes, added to a office or home HVAC system, scrub the air of contaminants. The tubes emit ions into the air 24/7 that seek, attack and deter airborne contaminants, including germs, mold, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and are highly effective stopping the spread of coronavirus. While MERV and HEPA filters are effective, they are ae passive technology. An airborne contaminant must pass through the filter or light to be effective. BPI tubes proactively and continually emit ions into the air 24/7 seeking, attacking and neutralizing airborne contaminants.

    "Carbon monoxide and radon detectors. Carbon monoxide (CO) usually shows up in your home because of incorrectly installed or poorly maintained or ventilated appliances, such as ovens or heater systems. Even worse, it has no smell, and if you breathe in enough of it, it can be fatal. By installing a carbon monoxide detector near your home’s bedrooms, you will be alerted if CO levels reach dangerous levels.

    "Radon, which seeps into your home through the ground, is odorless and can cause lung cancer. You can also buy a radon detector and put it in the lowest level of your home (basement or first floor) to alert you if levels become unhealthy.

    "All these solutions will help improve the air quality in your home and provide a healthier indoor environment."

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