Madeleine Haase

Madeleine, Prevention’s assistant editor, has a history with health writing from her experience as an editorial assistant at WebMD, and from her personal research at university. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience—and she helps strategize for success across Prevention’s social media platforms.



    • Prevention
      9 articles
    • Prevention Magazine
      1 article

    Writes Most On

    • Scientists Find Strength Training Adds Up to 4 Years to Your Life
      30 Dec 2024—Prevention
      Researchers found that strength training for 90 minutes a week was linked with slowing down biological aging by almost four years. Experts explain strength training for longevity. The heart-healthy benefits of walking and other cardio workouts are well-known. But new research shows another type of exercise may be beneficial. Specifically, exercise focused on building muscle, also known as strength training, could add up to four years to your life. A study published in Biology took a closer...
    • ‘Micro-Walks’ May Have a Big Impact on Your Health, Study Finds
      1 Nov 2024—Prevention Magazine
      Researchers found when people walked in stints of 10 to 30 seconds, they burned more calories than continuously walking the same distance. Experts explain the findings. The health benefits of walking are vast, and you may already work to reach an established daily step goal. But, new research finds that “micro walks,” a.k.a. short walks throughout the day, may be more beneficial than longer walks. A small study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B looked at 10 participants who...
    • How to Lose Back Fat and Strengthen Muscles, According to Personal Trainers
      30 Sep 2024—Prevention
      We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Why Trust Us? Jump to: What causes back fat? How to get rid of back fat Diet to get rid of back fat Toning exercises for the upper back Toning exercises for the lower back It may seem like doing loads of push-ups is key in figuring out how to get rid of back fat, but it’s nearly impossible to target a specific area of your body to lose weight. Research has shown a more holistic method (including diet and...
    • Scientists Determine If Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer
      15 Sep 2024—Prevention
      The review concludes that radiation from cell phones is not likely to increase a person’s risk of brain cancer. Researchers found that despite the large increase in the use of wireless technology in the past two decades, there has not been a corresponding increase in brain cancer. Over the last 10 years, you may have heard rumblings about whether the radio waves emitted from your cell phone are capable of causing cancer. Now, a new review commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO)...
    • —Prevention