LATEST: For online grocery retailers we are looking at an ‘S-curve’ growth online; post-covid trading patterns are gravitating back to store on many product...
LATEST: Expensya has developed a leading employee spend management solution in Europe, with innovative features and AI-powered innovation. Its founders, Karim...
LATEST: I had a call with one of the angel investors in the early early days. I had a difficult decision to make. I had two choices but I just couldn’t make...
LATEST: Overheating can cause hardware components to overheat and even cause system crashes over time,” she said. “And repeated exposure to high temps can...
LATEST: It's very troubling to see this loss of momentum due to reduced attention to web application security. As we look ahead, we hope to see organizations...
LATEST: I knew I had a foundational, entrepreneurial background in my DNA, but I didn’t have a skill for working in large organisations, working for someone...
LATEST: We see the market opportunity and demand from our clients to infuse generative AI into all our services and offerings and are excited to help them...
LATEST: Impinj is passionately inventive. Our more-than 305 issued and allowed RAIN RFID patents are the hard-earned fruits of that passion and reflect...
LATEST: In today's complex cybersecurity landscape, consumers want consolidated solutions that secure every aspect of their digital lives in a seamless...