LATEST: These new capabilities and partnerships fuel our mission to empower businesses to grow. More than ever, we’re focused on the U.S. business community,...
LATEST: This new dance partner will be adding to the complexity of tools needed to deal with cyber risk mitigation and will lead to more robust and global...
LATEST: It’s a laudable goal. But the standards of Title VII have been in place for almost 60 years and they haven’t changed. When the law says an employer...
LATEST: They can also track accountability to ensure a timely response to the customer. If there is a delay, the team can proactively step in and take...
LATEST: Instead of delivering yet another markup language, we decided to leverage GitHub Actions [essentially an API for cause and effect on GitHub]. We made...
LATEST: P&C insurance industry, particularly personal insurance, is expected to improve its profitability with the favorable trends of a stable economy,...
LATEST: The overwhelming retreat in customer satisfaction may be yet another sign of a bumpy road for automakers in 2019. In the first half of the year, U.S....
LATEST: In a recent business review with a multinational computer company that is using augmented reality in its customer support, a senior executive had...
LATEST: Divorce doesn’t have to be the two Ds: disaster and destruction. People can continue to work together as long as there is planning involved. When you...
LATEST: New Teamsters leadership wants to make their mark, so they’re going to be pushing harder. They feel like they have good leverage with everything going...
LATEST: As communities rebound from the first wave of COVID-19 and brace for a second wave, mobile usage remains high globally — solidifying mobile’s role in...
LATEST: It's time to move beyond first-generation voice assistants in the car and actually make my life easier. Know that I'm late for my daughter's recital...